The travelling exhibition ‘A vivir que son 100 años’, promoted by the Fundación General CSIC and loaned to our senior living THE COMM (formerly FORUM MARE NOSTRUM), can be visited at the Espai Cultural Escoles Velles in l’Alfàs del Pi from Friday 17 November, thanks to the reception of this exhibition by the Town Hall of this municipality.
The aim of the exhibition, which forms part of the initiatives of the International Centre on Ageing project, financed with ERDF funds, is to offer a scientific perspective on longevity, inviting visitors to explore the ageing process from an individual and collective point of view, addressing the factors that can influence the quality of this vital process.
After completing its tour of prestigious sites such as the Casa de la Ciencia Museum in Seville, the Príncipe Felipe Research Centre in Valencia and the Science Museum in Valladolid, ‘A vivir que son 100 años’ can be visited in l’Alfàs del Pi.
Sobre su contenido, el director de THE COMM, Rafa Miró ha apuntado: “Estamos muy orgullosos de poder exponer en nuestro municipio la exhibición ‘A vivir que son 100 años’ que nos ha cedido recientemente la Fundación General CSIC y que nos ofrece un punto de vista tanto colectivo como individual sobre cómo afrontar este ciclo de la vida de la mejor manera posible. En THE COMM, considerado actualmente un referente en complejos para personas mayores en España, promovemos precisamente la importancia de envejecer activamente y mantener la autonomía e independencia, con el fin de alcanzar una mayor longevidad de la forma más saludable posible y con la mejor calidad de vida”
De manera paralela a la exposición, que permanecerá abierta al público hasta el 23 de febrero de 2024, se llevarán a cabo charlas y actividades educativas adicionales en colaboración con el Ayuntamiento de L’Alfàs del Pi. Estas dinámicas abordarán hábitos y buenas prácticas que contribuyen al envejecimiento saludable, haciendo un llamamiento a la responsabilidad individual y colectiva para cuidar de nosotros mismos y de los demás, en busca de una sociedad en la que las personas mayores puedan disfrutar de una vida más plena y feliz.
About its content, the director of THE COMM, Rafa Miró, said: “We are very proud to be able to exhibit in our town the exhibition ‘A vivir que son 100 años’ which has recently been loaned to us by the Fundación General CSIC and which offers us a collective and individual point of view on how to face this cycle of life in the best possible way. At THE COMM, currently considered a benchmark in complexes for the elderly in Spain, we promote the importance of active ageing and maintaining autonomy and independence, in order to achieve greater longevity in the healthiest way possible and with the best quality of life”.
In parallel to the exhibition, which will remain open to the public until 23 February 2024, additional talks and educational activities will be held in collaboration with the L’Alfàs del Pi Town Council. These dynamics will address habits and good practices that contribute to healthy ageing, calling for individual and collective responsibility to take care of ourselves and others, in search of a society in which older people can enjoy a fuller and happier life.